Use "dorsalis|dorsales" in a sentence

1. The first consists of nucleus raphes obscurus, pallidus, and magnus, the latter of nucleus raphes centralis, dorsalis, and linearis.

2. In 1913, Bacteriologist Hideo Noguchi (1876–1928), working at the Rockefeller Institute, discovered Treponema pallidum (the organism causing syphilis) in the brains of paretics and patients with tabes dorsalis, confirming his hypothesis concerning the cause of the disturbance (Clark, 1959).

3. The dorsal carpal branch (ramus carpeus dorsalis; posterior radial carpal artery) is a small vessel which arises beneath the Extensor tendons of the thumb; crossing the carpus transversely toward the medial border of the hand, it Anastomoses with the dorsal carpal branch of the ulnar and with the volar and dorsal interosseous arteries to form a dorsal carpal network.